National Geographic - 20 Animals That Will Kill You (2011)
16th May 2014
Duration: 44 Minutes 59 Seconds
Wild animals kill thousands of people every day - and the most dangerous creatures may not be what you think. From Bengal tigers to elephants to mosquitos, animals can kill in a multitude of ways. Predators are obvious killers, but others defend their territory, attack in self-defence, or kill by sheer accident. Wildlife experts break down some of the most revealing attacks caught on tape to expose what animals kill the most people, how they kill, and why.
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National Geographic - Wild Hawaii: Land Of Fire (2014)
15th May 2014
Duration: 43 Minutes 57 Seconds
Explore the fiery heart of Hawaii -- from volcanic eruptions spewing rivers of molten lava to spiders that smile, fish that climb and turtles that bury secrets in a landscape that defies expectations. Learn about the monster at Hawaii's molten core, Kilauea, one of the most active volcanoes on Earth. See how Hawaii's creatures have evolved to be different from their cousins the world over. Finally, we show how 95 percent of the flora on these islands does not exist anywhere else in the world.
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National Geographic - Wild Gabon (2014)
15th May 2014
National Geographic - Wild Gabon (2014) 720p HDTV
Duration: 43 Minutes 57 Seconds
Mike Fay and Enric Sala are on a quest to protect the rich coastal waters of Gabon. Full of hippos, sharks, and humpback whales, these waters are some of the last healthy oceans in West Africa. Twelve years ago, the country of Gabon became a conservation pioneer in Africa when its president, Omar Bongo Ondimba, created 13 National Parks protecting 11% of the country.
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National Geographic - World's Deadliest Animal Apocalypse (2014)
15th May 2014
Mass animal deaths are occurring across the globe with increasing frequency and ferocity. Should we all be freaking out about the end of the world? Or is there a perfectly logical explanation?
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National Geographic - The Real Pompeii (2014)
15th May 2014
National Geographic - the Real Pompeii 2014 | 310MB
Duration: 43 Minutes 56 Seconds
When Mount Vesuvius erupted In 79 AD, it buried the booming city of Pompeii under tons of debris, sealing the fate of more than a thousand people. But It also sealed the ancient city - preserved it, protected it, like nowhere else on earth. Because of this, archaeologists and historians can clearly describe life in Pompeii up until its final moments. Now see the ancient city as never before with scenes from the motion picture, "Pompeii."
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